Thursday May 16, 2019
Thursday May 16, 2019
So much of ill health (e.g. migraines) can be eliminated by fixing “leaky gut”. My first guest, Christian Ziegert, will help us understand what the condition is, why we might have it, and what to do about it. Christian is Director of a very interesting testing service, Verisana. They test for leaky gut as well as other gut issues and hormones. I arranged for our listeners to save 5% on any test by using the code HBN185.
Next up Dr. Earl Mindell will discuss two books, Healing With Hemp CBD Oil: A Simple Guide to Using Powerful and Proven Health Benefits of CBD and his newest, What's in Your Blood & Why You Should Care: How to Cleanse & Detoxify Your Blood for Optimum Health.
Saturday May 11, 2019
Saturday May 11, 2019
As usual, Bill Sardi has done some amazing detective work. By putting together scientific data from various sources, he can declare lead toxicity as a major cause of disease and disability…and more shockingly, the #4 cause of death in the US. This is a link to his must read article. We will discuss this threat and our recommendations for lowering our lead burden. We will also talk about his new article on resveratrol for heart problems. And a startling cancer cure story involving a de-worning agent! If we have a minute I'd like him to talk about the looming censorship of information about alternative medicine.
*Mr. Sardi continues to be our most popular guest and resident answer man about dietary supplements. He is commercially involved in the following products we are delighted to advertise at HBN : Molecular Multi 800-247-5731, Longevinex 866-405-4000, Formula 216 / 833-848-2216; Garligest for heartburn and Garlinex 866-674-3955). email – bsardi@aol.com.
Saturday May 04, 2019
Saturday May 04, 2019
My guest will be Dr. Darcy Brunk. We will answer listener questions about the very exciting possibilities for regeneration of degenerated tissues using stem cells. See the blog this week for a head start. For a consultation and appropriate x-rays at no charge and/ora free e-book, Stem Cells Made Simple, call (972) 303-0683 and mention Healthy by Nature.
Saturday May 04, 2019
Saturday May 04, 2019
My guest was Dr. Darcy Brunk. We answered listener questions about the very exciting possibilities for regeneration of degenerated tissues using stem cells. See the blog this week for a head start. For a consultation and appropriate x-rays at no charge and/or a free e-book, Stem Cells Made Simple, call (972) 303-0683 and mention Healthy by Nature. That number applies nationwide to find a practitioner near you and can provide help for health professionals interested in adding stem cells to their practice.
Saturday Apr 27, 2019
Saturday Apr 27, 2019
My guest will be Ross Pelton, R.Ph., Ph.D., CCN. Appropriately for the week of Earth Day, we’re going to talk about pollution…but not just of the environment, but also of our bodies and what to do about it. Dr. Pelton is the author of many books and is the Scientific Director of Essential Formulas, Inc. Reg'Activ is available in natural food stores and online. If you have trouble finding it, call 800-430-6180. Link to his information on Bemer. And another article.
Saturday Apr 20, 2019
Saturday Apr 20, 2019
Dr. Michael Einsohn of the Thermography Center of Dallas will be in the studio. Yay! I’ve been wanting ask him about a number of things such as thermography, the Oligoscan device for testing heavy metals/minerals, muscle testing (kinesiology) for health screening and about the Brain Light Pro. His colleague, Michelle Ewer will join us. She is a Holistic Health Specialist and Executive Brain Coach, better known as “The Brain Chick”. You might want to put the phone number where it is handy because we will be taking calls.214.352.8758. Brain Light Pro waves reach 4-5 inches into the brain, helping people who struggle with ADHD, Alzheimer’s, Anxiety, Concussions, Dementia, Depression, Headaches, Insomnia, Parkinson’s and Stroke. Website. also CLICK HERE. 1-800-580-1102. Dementia article. For an informative brochure on the product, CLICK HERE. (If you inquire, be sure to mention HBN.)
Saturday Apr 13, 2019
Saturday Apr 13, 2019
Bill Sardi* will enlighten us about what he called “the deadly Candida Auris infections sweeping the globe”. Yikes! Knowing Bill, he won’t just scare the pants off of us. He will have solutions. Ah yes. He does. Read his article: Hidden Epidemic, Death by Hospital. I hope to also take some calls.
*Mr. Sardi continues to be our most popular guest and resident answer man about dietary supplements. He is commercially involved in the following products we are delighted to advertise at HBN : Molecular Multi 800-247-5731, Longevinex 866-405-4000, Formula 216 / 833-848-2216; Garligest for heartburn and Garlinex 866-674-3955). email – bsardi@aol.com.
Saturday Apr 06, 2019
Saturday Apr 06, 2019
Light therapy expert, Russell Beeben, returns to talk about peripheral neuropathy and using light to heal knees. I also want him to clarify the similarities and/or differences between laser and LED/near infrared. Website. also CLICK HERE. 1-800-580-1102. For an informative brochure on the product, CLICK HERE. (If you inquire, be sure to mention HBN.) Also, John Willard will help us understand why making water work better is good for the health of our bodies, pets and plants. For 20% discount on a starter kit, use the promo code HBN. Or call 888.379.4552.
Saturday Mar 30, 2019
Saturday Mar 30, 2019
The best nutrition in the world probably can’t protect you from a purse snatcher, mugger, car-jacker, or abductor. However, being smart can. Officer Christopher Bianez of the Plano (Texas) Police Department Crime Prevention Unit has some great tips for us based on research. View his "Safety Minutes". In the last half of the show we will be honored to visit with TV personality, author, and world renowned fungus expert, Doug Kaufmann. We have 2 exciting announcements!
Saturday Mar 23, 2019
Saturday Mar 23, 2019
The root cause of many symptoms such as high cholesterol, fatigue, weight gain and so on turns out to be an under-functioning thyroid gland. Brittany Henderson, MD will tell us about what may be the most common cause of low thyroid. Her book is entitled: What You Must Know About Hashimoto’s Disease: Restoring Thyroid Health Through Traditional and Complementary Medicine. We will also talk with Jack Brown of Lily of the Desert. I will ask him to tell us about a gigantic health trade show that is an interesting part of the system of how health products reach store shelves. We will review the internal benefits of Aloe Vera and how to be sure you have purchased a good one.