Saturday Jan 05, 2019
Saturday Jan 05, 2019
This show may be life-changing for any person with one of the following issues: ADHD, Alzheimer’s, Anxiety, Concussions, Dementia, Depression, Fatigue, Headaches, Insomnia, Memory Problems, Parkinson’s, Sleep Trouble, or Stroke. Hmm…actually, even someone who would like to think more clearly or improve athletic performance should listen. We are going to talk with Michael Einsohn, DC and Beeben Russell about The Brain Light Pro. It is a fascinating FDA-cleared therapy device. Please tell your friends. More information: CLICK HERE. Consumers and interested distributors may call 1-800-580-1102. Brain Doc.
Saturday Dec 29, 2018
Saturday Dec 29, 2018
I continue to be amazed by and excited about the regenerative power of stem cells. It is high time we see what is new in that department. Dr. Darcy Brunk will be in the studio to bring us up to date. If you already know that stem cells might be the answer to your pain or dysfunction, call (972) 303-0683. Tell them you learned about stem cells from Healthy by Nature and receive a complimentary consultation and appropriate x-rays! Visit his website AchieveVitality.net. For a free e-book, Stem Cells Made Simple, send a request to info@hbnshow.com. [Jenny's Cancer Free Are You Sure?]
Saturday Dec 22, 2018
Saturday Dec 22, 2018
My guest, Ray Solano, is a clinical Pharmacist, Certified Clinical Nutritionist, radio host and owner of PDLABS, a specialty compounding pharmacy. He is in Austin Texas, but specializes in offering cutting edge drug therapies to patients and physicians nationwide for mold, Lyme, other chronic conditions as well as formulations to treat brain injuries and prevent cognitive decline. We are going to talk about common problems with drugs, issues with filling prescriptions and how a compounding pharmacist can help. We will also answer your questions. Call the live show with questions at 1-800-281-8255. Click here to find podcasts, show archives and how to listen nationwide.
Saturday Dec 15, 2018
Saturday Dec 15, 2018
I am so happy that Bill Sardi* is back from Japan and available for the show. We are going to talk about the health problems we can experience if our body isn’t able to dispose of old cells that no longer work. There are drugs being developed for that purpose. However, natural approaches are always safer, less expensive and are available now. This link is to Mr. Sardi’s detailed article on the topic. We will try to boil the science down and make it easy.
By the way, the spectacular Longevinex Yearend Sale is underway. LINK. It also covers the indigestion remedy Garligest and the garlic with allicin supplement, Garlinex.
*Mr. Sardi continues to be our most popular guest and resident answer man about dietary supplements. He is commercially involved in the following products we are delighted to advertise at HBN : Molecular Multi 800-247-5731, Longevinex 866-405-4000, Formula 216 / 833-848-2216; Garligest for heartburn and Garlinex 866-674-3955). email – bsardi@aol.com.
Saturday Dec 08, 2018
Saturday Dec 08, 2018
Vitamin K2 is powerfully important, but it is typically overlooked by both the public and conventional medicine. Anthony Thomas, Director of Scientific Affairs for Jarrow Formulas will explain how that vitamin helps with health of the bone, arteries, teeth, immune system and more. Links to Jarrow Vitamin K products: K-Right and the new Strawberry Gummies. This is the book I will mention: Vitamin K2 and the Calcium Paradox: How a Little-Known Vitamin Could Save Your Life. We will also talk about Jarrow’s fine bone formula, Bone-Up. Next I will talk with Jack Brown from Lily of the Desert about the many benefits of Aloe vera and Lily’s popular Stomach Formula which is now available in convenient 2 ounce “shots”. I recommend Lily’s body care products (for women, men and children) for your use and as great gifts. I've mentioned Fitbit fitness tracker as a cool gift of health. This is the one I got Bill for his birthday. It is pretty slick.
Saturday Dec 01, 2018
Saturday Dec 01, 2018
If you have questions about any aspect of eye health, this is the time to ask them. My first guest is Jeffrey Anshel, OD, author of the new book What You Must Know About Age-Related Macular Degeneration: How You Can Prevent, Stop, or Reverse AMD His earlier books include: What You Must Know About Food and Supplements for Optimal Vision Care: Ocular Nutrition Handbook and Smart Medicine for Your Eyes: A Guide to Natural, Effective and Safe Relief of Common Eye Disorders. Prescription for cataracts LINK. Also Can-C eye drops (widely available). Dry eyes = biotears.com
Then, our resident holistic dental expert, Dr. Philip Kozlow will join us to discuss the exciting new uses of ozone. 972.458.2464.
Saturday Nov 24, 2018
Saturday Nov 24, 2018
Two important topics: We will learn more about the health-promoting effects of negative ions. Carolyn Mayor and Gary Fullen (the brains behind IonBox) will explain how they clear the air of dust, bacteria, dirt, pollen, and other allergens. They have devised a way that everyone can afford the benefits and even give them as a gift. IonBox.net (They mainly take orders online and you can ask questions by email: ionpacific@yahoo.com. But, here is the phone number if you really need to talk to them 469-265-2909. Then Jennifer Zucconi, RD, LD, CLT, a Registered Dietitian with the Kotsanis Institute will talk to us about food sensitivity testing and nutrition throughout the holidays (why wait until New Year's Day to get your health in order?). Click here for recipes and videos.
Saturday Nov 17, 2018
November 17th, 2018 Bill Sardi and Thomas Edward Levy, M.D., J.D. our my guests.
Saturday Nov 17, 2018
Saturday Nov 17, 2018
Did you ever wonder why wild animals don’t suffer heart failure, diabetes, cancer, osteoporosis, wrinkles, cataracts, mental decline or other such human health problems? It is in part because most species continually turn their blood sugar into vitamin C. And they make a lot more when they are under stress! This week Bill Sardi will explain why humans no longer do that and new science about how to solve that problem. We will also be joined by Thomas Edward Levy, M.D., J.D. Among other things he is an expert in Vitamin C and is the author of several books including Curing the Incurable: Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases, and Toxins.This is the show we've been waiting for. It is not exaggerating to say that what he will reveal may well be the most important medical discovery of the decade! His intro letter. His lecture video. Lew Rockwell article. The product; Formula 216 / 833-848-2216.
Mr. Sardi continues to be our most popular guest and resident answer man about dietary supplements. He is commercially involved in the following products we are delighted to advertise at HBN : Molecular Multi 800-247-5731, Longevinex 866-405-4000, Garligest for heartburn and Garlinex 866-674-3955). email – bsardi@aol.com.
Saturday Nov 10, 2018
Saturday Nov 10, 2018
For the 1st half of the program I’ve asked Bill Sardi* to return and answer the listener questions that we did not get to last week because there was so much news.
Then another favorite guest, pharmacist and Certified Clinical Nutritionist, Jim LaValle will join us. His topic: tips for preparing for the flu season. Jim LaValle, R.Ph., CCN is the author of Your Blood Never Lies: How to Read a Blood Test for a Longer, Healthier Life and the best seller, Cracking the Metabolic Code: 9 Keys to Optimal Health. He is also a pharmacist, clinician and an amazing investigator. This guest was made available by Kyolic the makers of Aged Garlic Extract, including Immune Formula #103 and Kyo-Green Harvest Blend. Free sample of Kyolic 800-421-2998.
*Mr. Sardi is our most popular guest and resident answer man about dietary supplements. He is commercially involved in the following products we are pleased to advertise at HBN (For example: Longevinex 866-405-4000, Molecular Multi 800-247-5731, Garligest for heartburn and Garlinex 866-674-3955). email – bsardi@aol.com.
Saturday Nov 03, 2018
November 3rd, 2018 Bill Sardi is back.
Saturday Nov 03, 2018
Saturday Nov 03, 2018
Yay! Bill Sardi is back. The plan is to open the show up to listener questions. But, he has recently published several interesting articles that I may ask about: Zinc for turning back the immune aging clock, an overlooked vitamin for the prevention of coronary artery disease and one on eating eggs versus the flu vaccine. His site focused on vaccine facts: BeyondVaccines.com. Mr. Sardi is our most popular guest and resident answer man about dietary supplements. He is commercially involved in the following products we are pleased to advertise at HBN (For example: Longevinex 866-405-4000, Molecular Multi 800-247-5731, Garligest for heartburn and Garlinex 866-674-3955). email - bsardi@aol.com.