Saturday Feb 04, 2017
Saturday Feb 04, 2017
February 4th, 2017 -I can't wait to meet Dr. Brian LeCompte when he joins me in the studio. This interesting gentleman was trained as a surgeon, but felt the need to add many new tools to his little black bag. As an integrative physician, one of the treatments he provides at The Kotsanis Institute is "Prolotherapy with Platelet Rich Plasma". It is a fascinating and effective treatment for repairing structural damage...for example to backs, necks, and other joints. My second guest is Certified Natural Health Professional and Weight Loss Specialist, Valerie Hall. If you picked up a couple of pounds over the holidays (or many holidays!) be sure to tune in for her advice.
Saturday Jan 28, 2017
Saturday Jan 28, 2017
January 28th, 2017 -We will feature an expert in how to get a college education...WITHOUT student debt or wiping out the parent's retirement funds. Yes, it is possible to go to college basically for free...even if you are not a star athlete or in another privileged group. We will discuss not only some of the strategies that my guest Matthew Einsohn developed and some interesting case histories, but also a few life lessons that will be helpful to all of us. I really had fun talking with him as I recorded the interview. Please forward this link to anyone you know who wants to go to college or is struggling to send a child to college. On average, better-educated folks have better health statics, but funding higher education can be stressful...and we know stress is bad for health. I'm very relieved that Matthew created Free Education University...so appreciative that HBN is granting a 20% discount on his curriculum.
Saturday Jan 21, 2017
Saturday Jan 21, 2017
January 21st, 2017 -Dr. Darcy Brunk has acquired a lot of new information to share with us about pain treatment. It includes peripheral neuropathy (a problem diabetics often face). One method involves a way of stimulating the Vagus nerve. I find both the nerve and the technology quite interesting. Then we will learn about a biomarker (indicator) of aging / health and how to improve your own ranking. My guest on that topic is, Ross Pelton, R.Ph., Ph.D., CCN (pharmacist, Certified Clinical Nutritionist, author and health educator).
Saturday Jan 14, 2017
Saturday Jan 14, 2017
January 14th, 2017 -Our topics will include: a nutrient some studies show reverses Parkinson’s disease; food choices that increase the risk of Polycystic Ovary Disease; and how to know if you have selected the best multivitamin. My guest, Bill Sardi, is a nutrition expert, prolific author and supplement formulator. How do I begin to explain why he is one of our very favorite guests? Is it because he is a genius; extremely knowledgeable; passionate about health; articulate; logical; honest; and always on the cutting edge of the latest science? Yes, all that. And he maintains a historical perspective that provides a double check on fads. Link to his blog and longer articles.
Saturday Jan 07, 2017
Saturday Jan 07, 2017
January 7th, 2017 - One of the most common New Year's resolutions is to lose weight. Sadly, most people don't or if they do lose, they quickly regain the weight and more because they did not really deal with the basic issues. This week Dr. Frank King, founder of King Bio, and author of The Healing Revolution will explain how hidden culprits make losing weight so difficult. Finally, we can get to the root causes of weight gain and fix them. Then we can stop beating ourselves up because we thought that lack of will power was the problem. Homeopathy is a safe, gentle way to fix imbalances like these.
Saturday Dec 31, 2016
Saturday Dec 31, 2016
December 31st, 2016 - I am very proud of my first guest, long-time listener Tracy Herbert. She is a delightful person who is dedicated to sharing the secrets of her health success. Her new is book is entitled Diabetes...Tragedy to Triumph, Lessons from 40 years of beating the odds. My second guest is Judi Zucker. She and her twin, Shari Zucker are co-authors of The Memory Diet: More Than 150 Healthy Recipes for the Proper Care and Feeding of Your Brain. (Hopefully, we will remember to follow her advice.)
Thursday Dec 22, 2016
Thursday Dec 22, 2016
December 24th, 2016 - Integrative physician Gus Kotsanis, MD and his wife Beverly are in the studio. She is CEO of his practice, The Kotsanis Institute.We will discuss cardiovascular disease, the variety of benefits of chelation therapy and how to detect and correct defects in the subtle electrical voltage of cells. (Voltage affects pH and function.)
Friday Dec 16, 2016
Friday Dec 16, 2016
December 17th, 2016 - Stephen Hotze, MD will join us to talk about the top hormones to manage stress during the holidays. But, first up...Do you know what ceramide is? Neither did I until recently. We will ask nutrition expert, herbalist and educator, Tim Mount to explain how ceramide helps skin and even migraines. We will also discuss eyes, dry skin and lips.
Saturday Dec 10, 2016
Saturday Dec 10, 2016
December 10th, 2016 - Transformation expert, Kat James, will join us to discuss the body's amazing ability to reset to normal in a very short time. We will also cover how to avoid some of the holiday digestive pitfalls. Kat is the author of The Truth About Beauty.
Knowing that so much of what we put on the skin is absorbed makes some of the chemicals in commercial body care products a bit scary. For example, until recently, a popular baby shampoo contained chemicals that can cause cancer. We will discuss the higher product standards used in Lily of the Desert's new personal care line with my second guest, Kim McClure.
Saturday Dec 03, 2016
Saturday Dec 03, 2016
December 3rd, 2016 - I always have fun (and take notes) when my guest is pharmacist Jim LaValle, R.Ph.,C.C.N. author of Your Blood Never Lies: How to Read a Blood Test for a Longer, Healthier Life. He also wrote the best seller Cracking the Metabolic Code: 9 Keys to Optimal Health. Saturday, he will give us diet and life style tips for keeping our immune system in top shape during the colds and flu season. Perhaps even more importantly, he will review scientific studies showing that aged garlic extract (e.g. Kyolic) can help reverse atherosclerosis. Then we talk with weight loss expert Valerie Hall how we can enjoy the holidays without gaining weight. She will discuss the metabolic, mood and appetite factors that usually cause weight gain. She recommends Body Regime to support all three of those factors. Body Regime is offering free shipping and a free bottle with the purchase of 2 bottles. (800-407-3737)