Saturday Nov 26, 2016
Saturday Nov 26, 2016
November 26th, 2016 - This week's show is all new! (I hate to repeat interviews when there is so much important information available.) We will discuss Richard Snyder, DO's new book, Your Personal Prescription Checklist: How to Maximize Medication Safety and Efficacy in the Age of Personalized Medicine. It is a workbook to avoiding conflicts between medicines and between medicines and supplements. (He has another new book to add to his long list, What You Must Know About Liver Disease: A Practical Guide to Using Conventional and Complementary Treatments.) My first guest at the top of the show is Phillip Wilson who specializes in far infrared. We will review the benefits of that form of light (yes, light, not just heat) and introduce the convenient and affordable far infrared table lamp.
Saturday Nov 19, 2016
Saturday Nov 19, 2016
November 19th, 2016 - First we will discuss bone health with Susan E. Brown, PhD. She is a medical anthropologist, a New York State Certified Nutritionist, and the author of Better Bones, Better Body. We will find out why cultures with the highest calcium intake also have the highest rates of osteoporosis. Then we will ask Anthony Thomas, Ph.D. to explain the benefits of vitamin K2 and how it should be balanced with vitamin D. Dr. Thomas has a specialty in nutritional biology and is on the scientific advisory panel of Jarrow Formulas.
Saturday Nov 12, 2016
Saturday Nov 12, 2016
November 12th, 2016 - U.S. children today are under stress. That stress can lead to fatigue, binge-eating, sleep disturbances, and reduced immune function. Unseen electromagnetic exposures may also be adding to kids' stress levels. Dr. Frank King will help us learn how to deal with those stresses and with the effects of Candida yeast on mood, focus, gut health, allergies, energy levels, cravings, weight control, and so on. Homeopathy is part of the answer! Dr. Frank King is an expert in homeopathic medicine who has created natural remedies for over 150 complaints...including those listed above. He is a naturopath, chiropractor and the author of The Healing Revolution: Eight Essentials to Awaken Abundant Life, Naturally as well as the founder of King Bio. More about childhood stresses at this link.
Friday Nov 04, 2016
Friday Nov 04, 2016
November 5th, 2016 - The "colds and flu season" is upon us and the public is about to get hammered by the mainstream media pressuring us to get a flu shot. I will not get into the bitter controversy regarding the scary substances in vaccines or the excitotoxin effect on the brain. However, there is no debate that in some years the vaccines don't deliver the exact strain that becomes the main threat. For that reason and so many others, Healthy by Nature focuses on ways to strengthen the body's natural defenses. This week all three of my guests offer different approaches for doing just that. Hugh Woodward and I look at the hormone effects on immune function. Brian Umbach will help us understand the power of micro-circulation to nourish and oxygenate cells. Then Andy Hopkins and I discuss a detoxification seminar that he arranged for me last week.
Saturday Oct 29, 2016
Saturday Oct 29, 2016
October 29th, 2016 - We are always happy to have Dr. Cass Ingram, DO on the show because of his energy and his encyclopedic knowledge of natural healing. His research and writing have led to countless cures and discoveries. He is the author of 20 books, most of which are available on this page of his website. We will focus on reversing all inflammation and reversing bone loss, but I want to ask him about his article "Nutritional Supplements for Reversing Vaccine Injury". Next I will talk to the co-founder of a unique way to help patients pay for treatment for cancer and other expensive diseases.
Friday Oct 21, 2016
Friday Oct 21, 2016
October 22nd, 2016 - I'll bet you want to learn about a simple action that has been shown to prevent up to 80% of breast cancers...as well as a substantial number of other cancers, heart attacks, falls, cases of diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and pre term births. That "simple action" is making sure that your blood level of vitamin D is at least above 40 ng/ml. (Unfortunately, many doctors don't test unless pushed and blood test reports often identify lower numbers as "normal.) My guest, Carol Baggerly, is founder and Director of GrassRootsHealth. Her organization's advisory panel is a prestigious "who's who" of vitamin D researchers and experts. She reviews the astounding research; tells us about the easy way to get the vitamin D blood test done; and how to know what supplement dose you need to achieve the right blood level. This is one of those interviews that I wish everyone above kindergarten age could hear! Also, just in time for the holidays I talk with a radio host friend of mine about her experience with the weight management product Body Regime.
Saturday Oct 15, 2016
Saturday Oct 15, 2016
October 15th, 2016 - Cancer survivor Jenny Hrbacek RN has become a motivated expert in techniques for detecting cancer many years before conventional testing might catch it. She has also discovered tests that can identify personalized treatments with the greatest likelihood of success. Jenny is so convinced that we are missing opportunities to save lives that she has launched a national campaign to change the way that cancer is detected. MS Hrbacek is the author of the go-to guide Cancer Free!: Are You Sure? The book also contains great practical advice on prevention of first and recurrent cancers. We will hear her story; get some advice; and learn more about her exciting new "Cancer Free University" on the Vitality Network.
Friday Oct 07, 2016
Friday Oct 07, 2016
October 8th, 2016 - Annie Brandt has a wonderful success story to share. Today she is the vibrant Executive Director of the Best Answer for Cancer Foundation and the author of The Healing Platform: Build Your Own Cure! She could hardly dream of such a thing in 1994 when she was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. By 2001 she had resolved that problem. However, it looked as though the end was near because she was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer that had spread to her lungs and brain. Annie was given just 3 months to live. We will learn how she turned things around and she'll share some interesting facts regarding conventional cancer treatment. I will also ask her about an especially gentle, yet effective type of chemotherapy...Insulin Potentiation Targeted Low Dose therapy (IPTLD).
Friday Sep 30, 2016
Friday Sep 30, 2016
October 1st, 2016 - Most of October we will focus on various choices that we can make to prevent cancer and/or add value to treatments. Since these steps usually involve improving our immune function and overall wellness, they are of value to any listener concerned with better health.
Surely you have noticed that there is a whole lot of pink in October because it is "Breast Cancer Awareness Month". I am of the opinion that we are already aware of it as an issue! I also think that too little of the incredible amount of money raised is being used to inform women about ways to prevent this scary disease. Most of what we can say about breast cancer and its treatment would also apply to prostate, pancreatic, lung and, for that matter, any cancer.
I will start the show with a review of some ideas from the research and probably a couple of clips from past interviews. Then my guest, Dr. Michael Einsohn, and I will talk about the effects of radiation, mammography and thermography as well as the diet and lifestyle connections to cancer that he sees in his practice. His initial training was as a DC, but over the decades he has continued to study and has become an expert in thermography, nutrition and kinesiology. We've worked out a fabulous discount for listeners at The Thermography Center of Dallas.
Saturday Sep 24, 2016
Saturday Sep 24, 2016
September 24th, 2016 - Certified Natural Health Professional and Weight Loss Specialist, Valerie Hall will join us to explore a sensible and comprehensive aid to weight management that addresses metabolism and mood as well as appetite. (I'll bet that Body Regime will even help a bit to boost the energy needed to exercise.) The company is giving a great offer...one bottle FREE with the purchase of 2 and free shipping. Visit their website or call 800-407-3737 and tell them Martie sent you. Then we will talk to Kim McClure from Lily of the Desert about what modern science is learning about the ancient remedy, Aloe vera and convenient new ways to use it. I've arranged something special that I can't list here because it is only for a limited number of those listening to the interview. But, in case you decide you need to call Monday after the show, this is the phone number: 800-229-5459 (ask for Kim).