Saturday Oct 18, 2014
Saturday Oct 18, 2014
October 18th, 2014 - Producer, Andy Hopkins, co-hosted as we interviewed Licensed Psychotherapist, Gary Avignon. He is the author of The Diet Mentality Take Down: Introduction to the Psychological Secrets of Successful Weight Control; Including "The 10 Myths That Sabotage Every Diet". (He offers that free on his website!) We discussed some of those and a bit about how abuse in either childhood and marriage affect weight management. Then Andy interviewed me about how to avoid seasonal pathogens and how to keep our immune systems tuned up. One key to that is a healthy balance of gut organisms and use of Dr. Ohhira's Probiotics and Propolis. Special offer: 2 of my books (request that Fat Free Folly be added) with purchase. Free Shipping.
Saturday Oct 11, 2014
Saturday Oct 11, 2014
October 11th, 2014 - Richard J. Ablin, PhD is author of The Great Prostate Hoax: How Big Medicine Hijacked the PSA Test and Caused a Public Health Disaster. Constantine Kotsanis, MD and I interview Dr. Ablin about the misuse of the PSA test, inappropriate treatment of prostate issues and how to keep the prostate healthy. Here is a great video of my friend TV host Doug Kaufmann interviewing Dr. Ablin.
Saturday Oct 04, 2014
Saturday Oct 04, 2014
October 4th, 2014 - Sayer Ji is a widely recognized researcher, author, and lecturer. He's a busy guy because he is also a Steering Committee Member of the Global GMO Free Coalition (GGFC), an Advisory Board Member of the National Health Federation, and the Founder and Chair of the world's most widely referenced, evidence-based natural health resource of its kind, GreenMedInfo.com. We are going to talk about some fresh ideas related to breast cancer and maybe hit the highlights of some of the recent articles on GreenMedInfo regarding, vaccines/autism, marijuana as chemotherapy, artificial sweeteners increase diabetes risk?oh that's right, it is only a one-hour show.
Saturday Sep 27, 2014
Saturday Sep 27, 2014
September 27th, 2014 - Do you know anyone (of any age) who has even a few of these attributes?
• Short attention span and easily distracted or can only focus on exciting things
• Disorganized
• Procrastinates
• Anxious and/or gets stuck on bad thoughts
• Poor impulse control (e.g. gets into trouble for saying or doing stupid things)
• Engages in risky behavior, uses stimulants
• When told to try harder, it makes matters worse
Attention Deficit Disorder affects adults as well as
children and doesn't necessarily involve fidgeting restlessness as the
stereotype would suggest. A favorite guest, nurse/author/practitioner,
Tana Amen explains the 7 kinds of ADD and which natural
remedies help. She and her husband, psychiatrist Daniel Amen, MD, are
both best-selling authors. She was great! These links may
prove useful: 7 Types of ADD, 4-minute on test, The Omni Diet, Eat Healthy with the Brain Doctor's Wife Cookbook, Change Your Brain, Change Your Body Cookbook, Healing ADD Revised Edition: The Breakthrough Program that Allows You to See and Heal the 7 Types of ADD, Public TV Special DVD.
Saturday Sep 20, 2014
Saturday Sep 20, 2014
September 20th, 2014 - When a tooth goes bad, what will it be...root canal, implant, bridge, denture appliance or just extract the darn thing (and how do you do that and not cause a cavitation)? Michael Einsohn, DC the owner and founder of The Thermography Center of Dallas sees daily how the health of each tooth and the type of dental practices affect all parts of the body. I reviewed his input and then asked holistic dentist Philip R. Kozlow, DDS about the benefits versus risks of each common approach to a problem tooth. It is much more complicated (and more important) than most people think.
Saturday Sep 13, 2014
Saturday Sep 13, 2014
September 13th, 2014 - Nutritionist, author, blogger and terrific radio host, Bill Sardi discusses over-mineralization--how the minerals calcium, iron and copper can increase the risk for disease and premature aging when adults store them in excess. We'll also cover some ways to reduce those excesses, including resveratrol. I may bring up recent news on vitamin D.
Saturday Sep 06, 2014
Saturday Sep 06, 2014
September 6th, 2014 - I talked with Deanna Minich, PhD, CN, RYT about how functional medicine differs from alternative or even integrative medicine. We also discuss a mutual friend, Dr. Jeffrey Bland , the genius who founded the concept. Dr. Minich is a mind-body-spirit nutritionist with a novel approach to eating. We talked about a study that she conducted to help students appreciate the food beliefs of others. Deanna is the author of an impressive number of books such as the Complete Handbook of Quantum Healing, The: An A-Z Self-Healing Guide for Over 100 Common Ailments and An A-Z Guide to Food Additives: Never Eat What You Can't Pronounce, See her website and an article she wrote. Maybe I'll ask about the cause of cravings.
Friday Aug 29, 2014
Friday Aug 29, 2014
August 30th, 2014 -Jim LaValle, R.Ph.,C.C.N. author of Your Blood Never Lies: How to Read a Blood Test for a Longer, Healthier Life, discusses blood sugar tests and testing for allergies, thyroid, optimum vitamin D levels and best tests for zinc, magnesium and vitamin C.
Saturday Aug 23, 2014
Saturday Aug 23, 2014
August 23rd, 2014 - First we talked with Sally M. Pacholok, RN. She is the author of the terrific book: Could It Be B12?: An Epidemic of Misdiagnoses. There was so much to cover...kids going back to school, diabetes, heart disease, seniors...I did the best I could. Brian Hitchcock was a Type 2 Diabetic. As you might expect, given his book is titled, Exdiabetic, now he isn't. I asked him about the natural methods he used to attain that enviable status. (He now has PayPal. For other methods of payment for the book, email him at Brian@Living-Without-Diabetes.com.) If you know anyone with a "frozen shoulder", for their sake, please ask them to listen to this show in the archives. At the end we announced the short term study noted above. Although the study was to be conducted in the DFW area, the information will be useful for anyone suffering with frozen shoulder.
Saturday Aug 16, 2014
Saturday Aug 16, 2014
August 16th, 2014 -William Lee Cowden, MD, will be with us to discuss his new book, Create a Toxin-Free Body & Home Starting Today. Also, when I became involved in nutrition 32 years ago, Willard Water was already the stuff of legends. Since the product is used for animals and even plants, we know the benefits are certainly not a placebo effect. John Willard will help us understand how it works and discuss emerging research.