Saturday Aug 09, 2014
Saturday Aug 09, 2014
August 9th, 2014 -My guest, nutritionist, Tim Mount who is an educator with NeoCell, and I talk about the effects of an often overlooked B vitamin Biotin. We also discussed how Alpha lipoic Acid and hyaluronic acid work synergistically with Biotin to improve our skin. Hey, guys we also talked about hair.
Saturday Aug 02, 2014
Saturday Aug 02, 2014
August 2nd, 2014 -Certified Clinical Nutritionist and author Radhia Gleis, PhD, and Certified Traditional Naturopath and author Peter McCarthy, BS, MA, ND were our guests. They are hosts of The Wellness Connection radio program in Austin on KJCE 1370 AM. Link to podcasts. We could talk about any aspect of health with these two experts, but for sure we will discuss Peter's book, Adrenaline Nation and about preserving health while flying. (I didn't find the link he mentioned, but here are some exercises you can do on a plane.) Radhia talked about autoimmune conditions and weight. Both are leaders in the Texas Health Freedom Coalition.
Friday Jul 25, 2014
Friday Jul 25, 2014
July 26th, 2014 -Gus Kotsanis, MD was in the studio with two special guests: Emily Mason, his new Physician's Assistant, and her husband, Dilon K. Mason, a Molecular Biologist and now a cancer patient at the Kotsanis Institute. Dilon was first diagnosed with lymphoma at age 15 and went into remission after doing unconventional therapies. But, due at least in part to root canals, he relapsed in his thirties. His journey through various types of therapies both stateside and in Mexico is interesting, but this is also love story of how two people from inside the conventional medical community (they have both worked at Mayo Clinic) handle a life-threatening illness.
Saturday Jul 19, 2014
Saturday Jul 19, 2014
July 19th, 2014 -Renowned nutrition expert Parris Kidd, PhD joined us to talk about two very interesting substances that help the brain, eyes, cardiovascular system, immune system, and much more.: (1) Taurine, a very special amino acid that is required for life, is not a part of protein and helps keep the proper water balance in cells. (2) Pynogenol ®, an extract from French maritime pine bark that has been studied for over 40 years in some 85 studies. There is obvious synergy in the Doctor's Best combination of these two which is called PycnoBrain?.
Saturday Jul 12, 2014
Saturday Jul 12, 2014
July 12th, 2014 -Certified in both Nutrition and Life Coaching, Lori Shemek, PhD is a health expert for ABC's Good Morning Texas. She is the author of FIRE-UP YOUR FAT BURN! Super Easy Quick Tips, Strategies and Goals for Fast Weight Loss (Kindle Edition...print version will soon be available on her website.) We will talk about weight loss. My second guest is Dr. Ross Pelton a PhD pharmacist and Certified Clinical Nutritionist (CCN). He will discuss the side effects of anti-depressant and anti-anxiety drugs as well as alternatives. (This is the subject of a webinar you can preregister for on his website.) He also answers a listener question about bio-identical hormones.
Saturday Jul 05, 2014
Saturday Jul 05, 2014
July 5th, 2014 -If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, you should listen to this show. Although adrenal fatigue is a common problem, it is not commonly addressed in mainstream medicine. Richard Snyder, DO discusses his new book, Adrenal Fatigue for Dummies which explains the condition and how to reverse the problem.
Saturday Jun 28, 2014
Saturday Jun 28, 2014
June 28th, 2014 -John Young, MD addressed what to do when our immune system attacks our own body as is the case with auto-immune conditions such as Lupus, some thyroid disease, hepatitis, amyloidosis, Crohn's, juvenile arthritis, multiple sclerosis (MS), and psoriasis. Inflammation is part of the cause. (Along with poor gut health.) He also discussed ozonated oils which can be found at this LINK. For 20% off first orders of any of his products(the shake or ozonated oils) remember the discount code 20HN. The number for his weekly Q & A conference calls is 760-569-7676, code 772967.
Friday Jun 20, 2014
Friday Jun 20, 2014
June 21st, 2014 - Jim LaValle, R.Ph.,C.C.N. author of Your Blood Never Lies: How to Read a Blood Test for a Longer, Healthier Life, discussed blood sugar tests (reviewed above in this newsletter) and testing for allergies, thyroid, optimum vitamin D levels and best tests for zinc, magnesium and vitamin C.
Saturday Jun 14, 2014
Saturday Jun 14, 2014
June 14th, 2014 - Who wants better concentration,
mental energy, memory and mental performance? College students, executives, those learning the
requirements of a new job, older persons who
feel they've lost their edge, composers, writers, bridge players, race car drivers and someone serious about their Bible studies...the list goes on. Dr. Kyl Smith, author of the authoritative book, Brighter Mind has previously discussed a brain-healthy diet and daily exercise. On this show he discussed his new invention. When you go to the website to read more about the product, don't let the term "joining" worry you. There are no dues and no requirement to place a future order. It is just part of a plan that allows you (only if you'd like to) to have your product paid for by recommending it to others. Read my article. Go to the MemoryWorks website..
Saturday Jun 07, 2014
Saturday Jun 07, 2014
June 7th, 2014 - Dallas area biological dentist Dr. Philip R. Kozlow was in the studio to answer questions about teeth and gums. Topic included BPA in some restorative materials, special precautions needed in removing mercury fillings, how to know what restorative materials are right for each persons, abscesses, tooth contact correction, menopause and gum issues, tooth brushes (he recommended the Oral B triple action). Click to find a dentist with a similar practice in your area: IAOMT